Bird Finder

Where to find Northern Shoveler in April
within 25 miles of Champaign, IL, USA

This page shows which locations in the selected region historically had the highest probability of a checklist including Northern Shoveler in April. Because some locations may be undersampled, the results are sorted based on a confidence score which takes into account how many samples are available. The bar chart shows how the probability of observing this species varies over the year.

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Rank Map Pics Location Distance Observed Sampled Frequency Confidence
1 Salt Creek WMA 24.7 10 11 90.9% 62.3%
2 Clinton Lake SRA--Radio Tower Access 24.7 37 50 74.0% 60.4%
3 Moorman Swine Research Unit, Champaign 1.9 195 306 63.7% 58.2%
4 Fairmont Quarry Ponds (restricted access) 21.3 22 32 68.8% 51.4%
5 Curtis Road Wetlands 5.3 81 228 35.5% 29.6%
6 Middle Fork River FP--North Waterfowl Management Area 23.2 11 26 42.3% 25.5%
7 Windsor Rd and 1st St Pond 2.4 18 71 25.4% 16.7%
8 Legacy Ave Ponds 3.3 16 66 24.2% 15.5%
9 Beringer Commons Pond, Urbana 4.1 19 96 19.8% 13.1%
10 Perkins Road Marsh, Urbana 2.9 4 13 30.8% 12.7%
11 Weaver Park, Urbana 3.4 15 114 13.2% 8.1%
12 Middle Fork River Forest Preserve 23.7 5 33 15.2% 6.7%
13 River Bend Forest Preserve 10.7 17 175 9.7% 6.2%
14 Middle Fork River FP--South Waterfowl Management Area 23.4 1 3 33.3% 6.1%
15 Allerton Park 23.1 17 220 7.7% 4.9%
16 Colbert Park 4.6 4 42 9.5% 3.8%
17 Harper's Ferry Rd. 4.3 1 5 20.0% 3.6%
18 Homer Lake State Conservation Area 14.0 13 232 5.6% 3.3%
19 Sangamon River Trail, Monticello 19.3 1 6 16.7% 3.0%
20 Heritage Park, Champaign 2.2 7 134 5.2% 2.6%
21 Middle Fork River FP--Point Pleasant Wetland 22.7 1 10 10.0% 1.8%
22 Maynard Lake 3.4 1 10 10.0% 1.8%
23 Lodge Park Forest Preserve 17.3 3 63 4.8% 1.6%
24 Allerton Park--Lost Garden Trail 23.3 1 20 5.0% 0.9%
25 University Cattle Farm, Urbana 2.3 1 31 3.2% 0.6%
26 Monticello Road Field Station 8.4 1 37 2.7% 0.5%
27 Sangamon River Forest Preserve 12.5 1 45 2.2% 0.4%
28 University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 1.3 1 54 1.9% 0.3%
29 St. Joseph Wetland 10.3 1 62 1.6% 0.3%
30 Crystal Lake Park, Urbana 1.7 1 611 0.2% 0.0%
31 Busey Woods, Urbana 1.8 1 870 0.1% 0.0%