Bird Finder

Where to find Blue Grosbeak in August
within 25 miles of New York, NY, USA

This page shows which locations in the selected region historically had the highest probability of a checklist including Blue Grosbeak in August. Because some locations may be undersampled, the results are sorted based on a confidence score which takes into account how many samples are available. The bar chart shows how the probability of observing this species varies over the year.

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Rank Map Pics Location Distance Observed Sampled Frequency Confidence
1 Freshkills Park 18.2 12 24 50.0% 31.4%
2 Lemon Creek Pier 22.6 8 28 28.6% 15.3%
3 Fairview Park 22.1 2 5 40.0% 11.8%
4 Shirley Chisholm SP (Fountain Ave. Landfill) 10.7 7 32 21.9% 11.0%
5 Freshkills Park--East Mound 17.5 2 7 28.6% 8.2%
6 Linden Hawk Rise Sanctuary 19.2 17 150 11.3% 7.2%
7 Mt. Loretto Unique Area 23.0 10 90 11.1% 6.1%
8 Wolfe's Pond Park 21.8 11 179 6.1% 3.5%
9 Meadowlands IBA--Harrier Meadows (restricted access) 8.0 5 73 6.8% 3.0%
10 Ernest L. Oros Wildlife Preserve 20.5 4 55 7.3% 2.9%
11 Conference House Park 24.5 4 77 5.2% 2.0%
12 Cemetery of the Resurrection--North Overlook 22.5 5 121 4.1% 1.8%
13 Page Ave. Beach 23.7 1 12 8.3% 1.5%
14 Jersey Gardens Mall--Bayfront Wetlands--Restricted Access 13.4 2 38 5.3% 1.5%
15 Mission of Immaculate Virgin, Mt. Loretto 22.9 1 17 5.9% 1.0%
16 Cedar Grove Beach 17.0 1 19 5.3% 0.9%
17 Meadowlands District IBA 6.5 2 66 3.0% 0.8%
18 North Mt. Loretto SF--Sand Pits (Turtle Nesting Area) 22.5 1 22 4.5% 0.8%
19 Lemon Creek Park 22.2 1 33 3.0% 0.5%
20 Sandy Hook--Platform & North Pond 21.5 1 47 2.1% 0.4%
21 Meadowlands IBA--Valley Brook Ave. 6.7 1 59 1.7% 0.3%
22 Cemetery of the Resurrection--North Pond 22.3 1 62 1.6% 0.3%
23 Disposal Rd. 7.7 1 65 1.5% 0.3%
24 Cemetery of the Resurrection--Perpendicular Pond 22.5 3 445 0.7% 0.2%
25 Richard W. DeKorte Park 7.1 7 1632 0.4% 0.2%
26 Hatfield Swamp IBA--West Essex Park 18.5 1 118 0.8% 0.1%
27 Green-Wood Cemetery, Brooklyn 9.0 3 728 0.4% 0.1%
28 Halifax Road 23.9 1 215 0.5% 0.1%
29 Prospect Park 8.4 1 1968 0.1% 0.0%